Shipping rates & options :
We ship your parcels with DHL which can keep your parcels safe and reaching timely.
Free shipping on all order over $60 after applying coupons ; If less than $60, needs to pay extra shipping rate. Each country is lightly different.

United States / Canada / Mexico
Transit time: 3-6 BUSINESS days once shipped.
Couriers: DHL .
Rate :FREE for orders over US$60.00 . Less than $60.00, it needs extra shipping rate.

Transit time: 3-7 business days once shipped.
Couriers: DHL .
Rate FREE for orders over US$60.00 .Less than $60.00, it needs extra shipping rate.

Australia / New Zealand
Transit time: 3-7 business days once shipped.
Courier: DHL;
Rate : FREE for orders over US$60.00 .Less than $60.00, it needs extra shipping rate.

European Countries
Transit time: 3-7 business days once shipped.
Couriers: DHL.
Rate FREE for orders over US$60.00.Less than $60.00, it needs extra shipping rate.

Middle East Countries 
Transit time: 3-7 business days once shipped.
Courier: DHL ;
Rate : FREE for orders over US$60.00 .Less than $60.00, it needs extra shipping rate.

Transit time: 3-7 business days once shipped.
Couriers: DHL.
Rate FREE for orders over US$60.00 ,others needs extra shipping rate by FedEx IP.

*NOTE: so far we dont ship to Iraq,India ,Russia,Brazil. We are still working with our freighters and hope that they will expand to these countries very soon. Thank you .

Shipping Time
We work from Monday to Friday and off duty on weekends . All orders on Friday and weekends will be taken care next Monday.

Correct Shipping Address is needed
When you place your order, please put your correct shipping address,including ZIP CODE and Phone number. We are unresponsible for incorrect shipping address. We dont accept P.O. Boxes address.Any change on shipping address after parcel shipped is not accepted.
If parcels are returned to us because buyers offered inaccurate or invalid address, the buyers should pay for the returning shipping and the second time shipping rate.
So ,please DOUBLE CHECK your shipping address is correct before CHECKOUT.

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