Babies' eyelashes typically start to grow at specific stages during fetal development and continue to develop and change after birth. The process is as follows:
First Appearance: Eyelash development begins relatively early in pregnancy. Around the 22nd week of gestation, the first signs of eyelashes start to appear. At this stage, the eyelash follicles begin to form, which are the structures from which the eyelashes will grow.
Initial Growth: By about the 26th to 28th week of pregnancy, the eyelashes have usually grown long enough to be visible on ultrasound scans. At this point, the baby's eyelashes are still quite fine and short, but they are an important part of the developing eye structure.
Postnatal Growth and Thickening: After a baby is born, the eyelashes continue to grow and change. In the first few months of life, the eyelashes may seem to grow more rapidly. They gradually become thicker and longer as the baby grows. By the time the baby is around 6 to 12 months old, the eyelashes have usually reached a more mature state in terms of length and thickness, but they will continue to grow and cycle throughout the person's life.
Genetic and Individual Variations: It's important to note that the exact timing and rate of eyelash growth can vary from baby to baby. Genetics play a significant role in determining how long and thick a baby's eyelashes will be. Some babies may have longer, thicker eyelashes at birth or develop them more quickly, while others may have shorter, finer eyelashes that take more time to reach their full potential.