Eyelash growth occurs in three main stages, namely the anagen phase, catagen phase, and telogen phase. Here is a detailed explanation of each stage:
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Anagen Phase (Growth Phase)
Duration: This is the active growth stage and typically lasts for about 30 to 45 days.
Process: During this phase, the cells at the base of the eyelash follicle, known as the bulb, are highly active. They divide rapidly and produce new cells that form the structure of the eyelash. The lash grows longer as new cells are added to the base of the existing lash. Nutrients are supplied to the growing lash through the blood vessels in the follicle, supporting its growth and development.
Catagen Phase (Transition Phase)
Duration: The catagen phase is relatively short, lasting for about 2 to 3 weeks.
Process: This stage marks the end of the active growth. The cells in the hair bulb gradually stop dividing and the lash follicle begins to shrink. The blood supply to the follicle is reduced, and the lash detaches from the dermal papilla, which is the structure that provides nutrients and signals for growth. The lash is now in a transitional state, preparing to enter the resting phase.
Telogen Phase (Resting Phase)
Duration: The telogen phase lasts for approximately 90 to 100 days.
Process: In this phase, the eyelash is essentially dormant. The follicle remains inactive, and the lash does not grow. Eventually, the old lash is shed, a process known as exogen, and a new lash begins to grow in its place, starting the cycle anew.