If an eyelash extension gets stuck in your eye, it can be uncomfortable and potentially harmful. Here's what you should do:

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- Stay calm: It's important to remain calm to avoid rubbing your eye, which can cause more irritation or damage.
- Blink gently: Try blinking several times. This may cause the eyelash extension to move to a more accessible position or be pushed out by the natural tear flow.
- Use artificial tears: If blinking doesn't work, you can use artificial tears or sterile saline solution. Gently tilt your head back and put a few drops into the affected eye. Blink again to help flush out the eyelash extension.
- Check with a mirror: Use a mirror to carefully examine your eye. If the eyelash is visible on the surface of the eye or on the inner eyelid, you can try to remove it gently with a clean, damp cotton swab or a pair of tweezers. Make sure the tweezers or cotton swab are clean and sterilized to avoid infection.
- Don't rub your eye: Rubbing can scratch the cornea or cause the eyelash extension to become embedded deeper in the eye, leading to more serious problems.
- Don't use dirty tools: Avoid using unwashed hands, dirty tissues, or unsterilized tools to remove the eyelash extension, as this can introduce bacteria and cause an eye infection.
- Don't ignore persistent symptoms: If you are unable to remove the eyelash extension or if you experience pain, redness, blurred vision, or excessive tearing that persists after attempting to remove it, do not ignore these symptoms. Seek medical attention immediately.
If the eyelash extension has caused an eye infection or injury, treatment may include antibiotic eye drops or ointments to treat infection, anti-inflammatory medications to reduce swelling and inflammation, or in more severe cases, surgical removal of the eyelash if it has become deeply embedded.