The durability of mink fur eyelashes varies depending on factors like quality, usage habits, and maintenance methods. Generally, they can last for the following durations in different scenarios:

- With proper care: If the mink fur eyelashes are grafted by a professional and the wearer takes good care of them, they can typically last for about 2 to 4 weeks. During this period, the eyelashes will gradually fall out naturally along with the growth cycle of the natural eyelashes.
- With poor care: If the wearer frequently rubs their eyes, gets the eyelashes wet, or uses oil-based eye makeup removers, the glue may dissolve or the eyelashes may fall off earlier, usually lasting only 1 to 2 weeks.
- High-quality mink fur false eyelashes: If they are of good quality and stored properly after each use, they can be reused 5 to 10 times or even more. Each wearing time can be several hours to a whole day, depending on the specific situation.
- Low-quality mink fur false eyelashes: Lower-quality ones may start to lose their shape, shed hairs, or have a decrease in adhesion after 3 to 5 uses, and their overall lifespan is relatively shorter.